Tuesday, March 23, 2010

In the Cool Blue Evening Light

I keep company with swallows, sparrows, eagles, blue heron, red wing blackbirds... to name just a few. And as the sun goes down frogs join the lively chorus.

I'm at the beach house wishing one dear friend could have joined me and anxiously awaiting the arrival of another. I've been here for the last few days planting grasses, trees and shrubs all native to Whidbey Island.

No distractions from the outside world - no internet, nor phone. Only nature.

And though I miss you, dear blog friends - it is lovely here.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bits and pieces

So much to see in the little things
Even discarded bits and pieces are fascinating
When I slow down and look

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Looking for the bright side

"For every upset is an unmet expectation"

We've looked forward to sharing ArtFest together for over a year. And not just the festival... but time together - walks on the beach with cameras at the ready, heart to heart discussions over mugs of tea, a break from our hectic lives. But the powers to be (in this case those holding her visa in their hands) don't know how important this week was to us.

So I'm letting go of disappointment, frustration, unfulfilled expectations
I'm looking for the bright side, the ray of sunshine
I'm looking forward to new plans with my friend.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring in my garden

So much color and texture
in every single blossom
How does nature do it?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Back home

After a wonderful week at Adorn Me!, gorgeous sunrises welcomed me home.

In that precious light of morning, my 12 year old son and I raced down to the beach and passed the camera back and forth. So fun to share a passion!

Photos 4,5 and 6 taken by MLG