Thursday, May 20, 2010

Purple Thursday

So much purple, so little space!

Today is Purple Thursday of Color Week hosted by Curious Girl, Lisa. I hope you are enjoying this blast of color across blogland - I am!


  1. These purples are just beautiful. The flowers are breathtaking! Thank you, Beverly, for such wonderful images.

  2. As this luscious color deepened as I scrolled through your post, I had to remind myself to start breathing again!!! You've NO idea how much I adore this rich, wonderful color. Each of your pics is superb, but I adore the one of the leaf. Bravo!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. I LOVE that you picked Thursday for the purple day. When I was in HIGH SCHOOL (in the 70's) wearing purple to school on a Thursday was tantamount to admitting you were a TOTAL loser. I still think of it every time I don purple (my favorite color) on any day of the week! Thanks for the color week photos - gorgeous as usual.....

  4. nice colorflow my dear...your eye for purples is sooooo divine...i especially like #6...just wanna jump right in there and roll around in the velvety softness. ;)

  5. Beautiful, beautiful flowers - but look at that leaf!! Amazing!

  6. my fav color!! well, actually, periwinkle is my fav... but this post makes me sigh in contentment! lovely!

  7. very pretty and feminine...

  8. Wow!! What great purples you have!

  9. i love the range from faint lilac to deep and vibrant. and the open shell looks like a butterfuly at first glance.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous!! I love them all! That leaf is amazing..

  11. Sometimes I think purple was invented just for flowers. I think you proved it here today. I really loved the textures in that leaf, too.

  12. Gorgeous colours! I've enjoyed the series.

  13. I like the leaf best of all these lovely pictures.

  14. the rosemary photo is so sweet.
    really great flower shots!

  15. Urrgghhh you're getting good at taking beautiful pictures. Love the shells reminds me of the good old days when we're on the beach.

  16. Perfect purple photography! I think we have a lot of the same flowers!... I'm always drawn to the purples.
